Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Protected from Self - Martin Wiles

protected from self
Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. James 1:14 NLT

On any given day, stress levels can escalate.

I work well under pressure but don’t handle pressure well. I feel pressured when I’m behind on grading assignments I’ve given students. Or when the internet acts up. Intermittent downtime means more time is required to do the work I’m required to do—if I can do it at all. My students can’t access their online books or complete their online exercises. More than once, students have heard me grunt at the computer.

While I may blame my stress level on the computer, the internet, or the demands of my profession—or just plain life—I am the source. My attitude toward these or other aggravating circumstances swells my stress level. However, circumstances or people can only stretch my stress level if I allow them to.

The source of any sinful actions or thoughts is identical. James says my biggest problem is me—not others or even Satan. I am my worst enemy. On the other hand, he isn’t teaching that Satan or his demonic companions are figments of religious imagination.

We are all born with a sinful nature. When we follow Christ, He replaces it with a new nature but doesn’t remove the “flesh.” Flesh isn’t a reference to skin but to the part of us that still wants to act and think as we did before we met Christ. Satan temps through our flesh, but the flesh is ours, making us responsible. We need protection from ourselves.

The devil can’t make us do anything. The Spirit in believers is greater than the one (Satan) in the world. When we feed our flesh and new nature with God things, we lessen the chances we’re going to cause problems. Having God’s Word hidden in our hearts gives us a source to run to when our flesh acts up. Remaining in a constant attitude of prayer reminds us God is always present to provide us with wisdom and strength to overcome what Satan—or ourselves—throws at us.

Putting on the whole armor of God protects us from Satan’s attacks. Tending to our inner selves protects us from ourselves.

Father, I ask that You give me an inner desire to obey You rather than the temptations of Satan or the flesh.

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1 comment:

  1. Great post filled with truth and inspiration. I tried to subscribe to this site, but got an error message. Barbara Latta
