Monday, July 1, 2024

Baking a Religious Cake - Martin Wiles

baking a religious cake
Solomon loved the Lord and followed all the instructions of his father, David, except that Solomon, too, offered sacrifices and burned incense at the local altars. 1 Kings 3:3 NLT

Separately, the ingredients would be distasteful, but together, they are sumptuous.

Of all the types of cakes my wife cooks, pound cake is my favorite. She invests hours to make sure it turns out just right, blending various ingredients together at certain points rather than all together at once.

Eggs, milk, flour, butter, sugar, baking powder, and flavoring. But of all the ingredients, milk is the only one I would consume by itself. Eggs would have to be cooked, flour and butter would have to be basted, and sugar and flavoring would have to be added to something else.

Secularism is the attempt to separate government and those who represent it from religion and religious institutions. We might term it separation of church and state, but it’s an attempt to compartmentalize life.

King Solomon went to the other extreme. He worshipped God but also at the local altars, which means he pandered after the local gods. Many people thought this was necessary for their crops and families to produce abundantly. Later, Solomon would even marry unbelieving women from other nations to form political alliances.

Neither secularism in the present nor King Solomon in the past got it right. The Bible speaks of separation and conjoining. If I compartmentalize my life, I miss what God wants me to do. I won’t be a light shining into a sin-darkened world, but neither will I believe my secular life has any bearing on my worship of God.

God’s overarching purpose is to blend the various ingredients of our lives to form us into His Son’s image. God created us in his image—an image, albeit, that sin has wrecked. Through forgiveness of our sins and submissiveness on our part to His plan, God blends our lives’ religious and secular ingredients to make us little Christs. While we don’t melt into or become Christ—as butter does into the other cake ingredients--we should become like Him in word, action, and thought.

If you have been guilty of trying to separate your life’s secular and religious ingredients, blend them to produce a tasteful lifestyle that will impact others for Christ.

Father, help me understand that my walk with you relates to and should impact every area of my life. 

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