Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Swim Don’t WADE - Martin Wiles

swim don't WADE
So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sinkMatthew 14:29-30 NLT

My plans were in place, but circumstances beyond my control changed them.

I was in college, finally preparing for what God had called me to do: preach. However, I had always felt a part of that call was also to teach.

Twenty miles away was a university that worked with my college. If a graduate entered their master’s program, all their earned credits would transfer. Within one year, I could complete my graduate degree and be certified in elementary education. 

But a few months before graduation, my plans melted. I had recently quit my part-time job, and now my wife’s employer told her she was closing the business. By graduation night, we were both unemployed.

I was devastated. I could preach, but my chance of teaching—at least in the public sector--had vanished like a bad dream. Peter may have felt the same when he tried to walk on water. Wasn’t he one of the disciples who had left his business immediately when Jesus called him to follow? Hadn’t he palled around with Him and listened intently to His teachings? Wasn’t he the one who understood Jesus was the Messiah? Now, he wanted to test his faith. But he was disappointed. When Peter saw the waves’ angry arms grasping at his ankles, he sank like a stone.

Since I can’t swim, I will only wade. But some wading I don’t care for, and this tends to happen when disappointments wash over me. I Worry, even though God says worry is unnecessary because He’ll care for His children’s needs.

I’m also prone to drift toward Anxiety. God’s Word also reminds me I don’t have to be anxious. Instead, I can submit my prayers and concerns to God, and He’ll calm the waves.

When I wade, I can drift toward Depression. After all, depression is just around the corner when worry and anxiety are present.

But the worst-case scenario when I wade is that I’ll experience Emotional burnout. Rather than controlling my emotions, my emotions will control me. When moods fluctuate, trust in and service to God also do.

Don’t WADE. Trust God regardless of your circumstances.

Father, thank You that no waves are too high that Your love and sustaining power can’t help me overcome. 

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I invite you to try my newest book, Hurt, Hope, and Healing, in eBook or paperback. These 52 devotions will take you from hurt to hope to healing. And thanks to all our faithful followers who share our posts on FacebookTwitter, and Linkedin.

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