Monday, June 10, 2024

Gentle as… - Martin Wiles

gentle as...
You must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12 NLT

Who doesn’t love a circus? Clowns weave smiles on people’s faces, and trapeze artists steal onlookers’ breath. Crowds hold their breath and tongues as lion tamers enter cages with beasts capable of tearing them to shreds. Laughter breaks out as dogs of all sizes leap through hoops or monkeys travel horses’ backs.

But the staple of any circus is the elephant. Powerful beasts that tower over their trainers but gently obey every command. I’ve seen them shackled with a mere rope around one ankle as they await their time to perform. While performing, they clutch their trainers in their mouths, balance on one front or rear foot, or hoist the trainer onto their backs. Elephants are the epitome of gentleness—power under control. Yet, with one rampage, they could demolish the circus tent and everyone in it.

Of all the traits God instructs believers to display, gentleness is perhaps one of the most difficult. Paul echoes what Jesus says in the beatitudes: God blesses those who are gentle and lowly, for the whole earth will belong to them (Matthew 5:5).

Gentleness entails submitting to God’s plan--for our families, churches, world, and mostly us. And God makes it possible for us to recognize that plan. His overarching plan involves allowing Him to develop us in His Son’s image. But it goes deeper, for He has an individual plan for His followers. Through prayer, study of His Word, and earnest investigation, He’ll make it known to those who seek it.

Gentleness also means having a teachable spirit. God doesn’t often teach us lessons the way we might enjoy learning them. Our most essential lessons frequently come through circumstances we’d rather not repeat. God tends to tutor us by bringing situations into our lives where we have no other option but to trust and depend on Him. God teaches through circumstances that try our souls.

Further, gentleness requires consideration of others. It’s easy for life to be about us; making it about others is more challenging. Jesus’ entire ministry was about others, and ours should be, too.

Let Jesus teach you to be as gentle as He was.

Father, help me be as gentle with others as You are with me. 

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