Friday, May 31, 2024

Spilled Out - Martin Wiles

spilled out
All of us must die eventually. Our lives are like water spilled out on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. 2 Samuel 14:14 NLT

What’s spilled can be wiped up but not typically recovered.

A number of us enjoyed ourselves at our annual church picnic and campout. I had joined a local couple and their family at their campsite and helped them prepare supper. As we tried to fit all the condiments on a small picnic table, a two-liter bottle of Coke tumbled off and rolled down the hill. Not thinking, I picked it up and unscrewed the top. Coke spewed everywhere—not one was recovered. 

A wise woman once compared death to water spilled on the ground. King David had a rift with one of his sons and refused to see him. His military commander sent a wise woman to tell the king a story that applied to his situation. In doing so, she used a simile to compare spilled water and death.

Death is a reality for all except those living when Christ returns. I don’t enjoy thinking about death, although the thought enters my mind more now than in the past. As I age, I know I’m closer to D-day than I’ve been. Practical preparations include life insurance policies and a will. However, these items only ensure my family is taken care of and possibly that my heirs won’t argue over what I leave behind. They won’t affect my eternity—which is more important.

Like spilled water, life is temporary. God spends His time trying to gather us to Himself since sin has separated us from Him. He’s not satisfied with wiping up our spills and tossing the rag away. He wants more for us. Nor should we so carelessly toss others aside.

Repentance of sins and faith in Christ are the only things that ultimately prepare us for death. Once this initial step is taken, a life of spiritual growth and learning to trust Christ in every aspect of our lives should follow.

As we near the end of our lives, we’ll not fret or fear. Confidence that we belong to God will usher us through the death event. Like spilled water, we’ll melt into the presence of our loving heavenly Father.

Make sure you are ready when your time to go comes.

Father, even though I must walk through the valley of death, I will not be forsaken by You. 

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