Monday, May 20, 2024

Preparing the Vessel - Martin Wiles

preparing the vessel
And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. The old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruing the skin. Matthew 9:17 NLT

If we didn’t prepare the vessel, the contents would spoil.

One year, my wife and I decided we’d can jelly. Our landlord had an apple tree loaded with apples he didn’t plan to pick. He invited us to pick as many as we wanted. We sat on our front porch in the old glider for hours and peeled away. 

Once we eliminated the peels, we boiled the apples, using the juice to make our jelly. But first, we had to prepare the jars. We didn’t have a canning system, so we boiled the empty jars in a large pot of water. Removing them one at a time, we filled them with the prepared apple juice and sealed them. One by one, we heard the tops pop, signifying the seal had secured the contents, which would shortly jell into jelly. Yet, had we not prepared the vessel, we would have had only juice—and it would have eventually ruined.

Putting new wine into old wineskins that had already been stretched from the fermenting process resulted in the skin either bursting or being lost. But Jesus wasn’t actually teaching how to make wine. He was warning against trying to put legalistic traditions into the truth skins He was re-instituting. A vessel had to be prepared to accept His teachings.

Enjoying the abundant life Jesus offers requires prepared vessels. We begin with a relationship initiated through a faith step in God’s direction. Then, we have to nurture our vessels so we can grow spiritually. Pouring His Word, prayer, relationships, spiritual disciplines, and witnessing about His love into our vessels propels us forward spiritually like a jet propelling off an aircraft carrier.

Preparation also takes place when we remember our vessel is a temple of God’s Spirit. Nothing should enter it that contaminates: addictive substances, unhealthy eating habits, unwise relationships, or focus-stealing hobbies.

Additionally, staying away from tempting situations helps us keep our vessels prepared. God gives wisdom to know what we’re easily tempted by. Acknowledging our weaknesses keeps us away from situations Satan would use to create havoc in our lives.

Prepare your vessel daily so God can fill it with abundant life.

Father, I dedicate my vessel to you. Fill it properly. 

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