Monday, November 6, 2023

What’s in a Word? Part 2 - Martin Wiles

What's in a Word
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14 NKJV

The entry for the day stated, “I hate you.”

Brian’s mother loved him, but like many mothers, she also loved to snoop in his room. He was a teenager, and she could remember what she experienced when she was one. Her motherly instinct told her he was keeping a journal, but she had no evidence. 

An expert at snooping, she soon discovered his treasure. It told of his teenage passions, plans, and daily affairs. Then she found a single day’s only entry: “I hate you.” Only after Brian was an adult did his mother confess her snooping. But the words had burned in her chest for twenty years. Brian assured her he meant nothing by them. “Every teenager says that about their parents,” he said.

The psalmist’s desire was for his words—which proceeded from his mind and heart, to be acceptable to God.

Words reflect character. Character is who we are, whether this is who we portray to others. We forge character in the heart. Talk with anyone long enough, and you will discover their true self, priorities, and dreams. When we build our character on a relationship with Christ, others will know.

Words can be pleasant or ugly. When someone’s are pleasant, we’ll enjoy being around them. When they’re ugly, we won’t. Ugly words destroy—reputations and character. Our words can distribute compassion, kindness, love, unconcern, neglect, and hate.

Words can encourage or discourage. We can build others up or tear them down by what we say. No one ever received too much encouragement, and I doubt anyone ever will. The world is a discouraging place, but we can ensure our words circulate encouragement.

Words can’t be taken back. On the “Ellie for Council” episode of the Andy Griffith Show, Andy concluded Ellie’s decision to run for council was silly since she was a woman. Her reaction made him quickly take back his statement. “And it had a bad taste” was his assessment of his words. The trouble was, he couldn’t take them back. Neither can we. Once spoken, words can be apologized for, but their memory can linger for years in a person’s mind.

How can you ensure your words are pleasing in the Lord’s sight?

Father, remind me my words mirror my heart and mind. Make them pure in Your sight.

Tweetable: What do people hear in your words? 

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