Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Word That Lasts Part 3 - Martin Wiles

The Word That Lasts
For the word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12 NLT

Like my parents before me, I attempted to instill in my children a love for God’s Word. Our nightly devotions weren’t as regular as when I was growing up. Life was hectic and busy at the time. Fitting in a nightly devotion was a challenge, but we read Bible stories often.

I carried on the same tradition with my firstborn grandson. Obviously, the need to digest God’s Word stuck despite my less-than-best efforts. Like me, my daughter and son both had their periods of rebellion. Both stopped attending church and involved themselves in questionable activities. Despite their wanderings, they still knew God’s Word and the right path—whether or not they chose it. 

Some question the validity of God’s Word.

They discount the traditionally agreed-upon authors, the miracles, the scientific and historical accounts, and even Jesus’ divinity. Rather than avoiding discussions with those who doubt, we can use the occasion to share our faith and why we believe God’s Word is profitable and accurate.

Some use God’s Word to teach legalism.

In addition to moral laws, the Old Testament contains ceremonial and civil laws. Both related to the nation of Israel and God’s interaction with the Jewish people. Some attempt to bind us by what Christ has freed us from. Grace brings liberty. Legalism majors on the things we can’t do rather than on the things we can do because of our newfound liberty in Christ. It repeats the mistakes Jesus rebuked the religious leaders for. We’re bound only by the moral laws the New Testament reiterates. We don’t have to keep bringing the old sacrifices.

God’s Word has the power to change lives.

Believing it changed me from a condemned sinner to a forgiven sinner. By reading it, we learn doctrine—the “whats” we need to believe as Christ's followers. We’re encouraged by the promises and corrected by the commandments. Like a knife, God’s Word slices into our consciousness. God’s Spirit then gives us the power to make the necessary changes.

Is God’s Word having a lasting effect on your life?

Father, turn me toward Your Word so I can follow Your path with joy and confidence. 

Tweetable: Is God's Word changing your life? 

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