Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Change Is Good - Martin Wiles

change is good
Live no longer as the ungodly do, for they are hopelessly confused. Their closed minds are full of darkness; they are far away from the life of God. Ephesians 4:17–18 NLT

Change was the norm; I merely had to adjust. So I kept telling myself, “Change is good.”

Some preachers remain at churches for lengthy periods of time. Dad never did. At least not until he reached midlife and decided to stay put for twenty years. By that time, I had long ago left home and established my own family. His moving didn’t affect me anymore.

While I was growing up, five years was the longest he had ever remained at one church—and that was to let me finish high school in the same place. Before, it was three years at one church, four at the next, and one at the following. I never established many friendships, and I was tired of saying goodbye to the ones I had. Change became the norm I accepted but didn’t like.

Believers at the church in Ephesus had undergone a change. They had discarded their immoral lifestyles and no longer worshipped a multiplicity of pagan gods. Yet the temptation to return to the lifestyles they had put aside was always prevalent.

Change is peppered with negative connotations. “We’ve never done it that way before” and “I’m not sure the people will like it” are two common objections heard when change is suggested. Some rebel against change and leave the organization or relationship. Others accept it grudgingly, sticking around to cause friction. A few embrace it and enjoy the new opportunities change can bring.

Salvation ushers in the most radical change possible. God removes our old natures and replaces them with new ones. This is change for the good. While Satan still works through our old human tendencies, we now have God’s power, allowing us to live pure and holy lifestyles. And we should. What God has changed us from lies in the past; what he has transformed us into dwells in the present and future.

This change allows us to live with the peace of knowing our Savior and we are okay. He’s wiped the sin slate clean, accepted us into His family, and established a friendship that change can never disrupt.

Enjoy the change God can bring into your life. Any change he brings is for your good.

Father, give me the courage to live by the standards of the changed nature you’ve given me at salvation. 

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