Friday, August 4, 2023

The Defense Rests - Karen Huffaker

the defense rests
Vindicate me, O God, and defend my cause against an ungodly people, from the deceitful and unjust man deliver me! Psalm 43:1 ESV

If you’ve ever had to defend yourself for something you didn’t do, it’s an emotional experience. You know you are innocent, but convincing the world is often not easy. The more public it is, the harder it is to deal with and the more isolation it can bring.

One of the saddest accusations I’ve known about was a beloved pastor who was blamed for something untrue. He loved his congregation so much. After decades of faithful service, it broke his heart for others to speak about him in such a way. The new pastor rallied to his defense and was his biggest supporter. Thankfully, everything quieted down and dissipated. But the pain still lingered.

Damaging lies are told daily and everywhere across all walks of life. Whether about students, teachers, politicians, law enforcement, neighbors, employees, or even victims of crimes, lies often have devastating consequences. Once the damage occurs, undoing it proves almost impossible. We can’t put an egg back into its shell.

Thankfully, Jesus is our saving defense. We can be secure in Him no matter what may come. He knows the truth and will bring it to light in due season. God will bring about justice in the end. Vengeance belongs to Him.

We can rest easy, knowing everything will be fully known one day—no need to wonder and worry. We can seek the Lord’s strength and peace. He will be a friend when we feel others have abandoned us. God’s Word brings comfort and peace that helps to endure difficult times and betrayals. God will make all things right and beautiful in His time.  

How can you learn to trust God when others have wronged you? 

Tweetable: Who do you rely on to defend you? 

Don't forget to add your comments below.  

Karen Huffaker is a freelance Christian writer. She has taught children’s Sunday school and single mom’s Bible studies and written poetry. She is from the Deep South and loves reading Christian books, devotionals, genealogy adventures, fishing, and all things family. She is also passionate about her grandchildren’s sporting events. 

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