Friday, July 14, 2023

Seeds That Grow - Karen Huffaker

seeds that grow
This seed grew and produced a crop that was a hundred times as much as had been planted! Luke 8:8 NLT

The year I tried my hand at vegetable gardening proved a learning experience and a step out of character for this city girl. But I was after seeds that grow.

The soil was primarily hard red clay and challenged me. In fact, my neighbor broke his garden tiller on the rocky ground as he plowed up a small garden spot for me.

Despite the early challenges, I rolled up my sleeves and continued with my new project, planting various vegetables. The tomatoes and peppers didn’t make it. The okra grew, but yielded only a small crop. The two small watermelons were a fun surprise–I didn’t even realize I planted those.

But the crop that grew abundantly was cucumbers. Apparently, cucumbers are hearty plants. The dirt was fertile for them, with just the right balance of nutrients. It seemed we were well on our way to producing a hundred times as much as I planted, both in quantity and size. Unfortunately, I don’t like them, but I did enjoy sharing my little harvest with the neighbors.

As we treasure and keep scriptures in our hearts, they are nourished to grow and produce a harvest of love, faith, and belief in Jesus to share with others. At times, the witness of our faith will fall on rocky soil or wither and die if hearts are hard and ears are closed. But at other times, the seeds of God’s Word take root and grow in fertile soil, and others will accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

Whether planting seeds of love, truth, hope, or faith, we can sow the seeds and look to God to produce a bountiful harvest.

What kinds of seeds are you planting?

Tweetable: Are you planting seeds that grow? 

Karen Huffaker is a freelance Christian writer. She has taught children’s Sunday school and single mom’s Bible studies and written poetry. She is from the Deep South and loves reading Christian books, devotionals, genealogy adventures, fishing, and all things family. She is also passionate about her grandchildren’s sporting events. 

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