Wednesday, May 17, 2023

At Home with God - Martin Wiles

at home with God
I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. Ephesians 3:17 NLT

“Just make yourselves at home,” they said.

My wife and I were on vacation, visiting my brother and sister-in-law in West Virginia. Since we would be there for a few days, they wanted us to establish our own routine. Knowing we got up earlier than they did, they wanted us to feel free to rummage in the kitchen. If we wanted to turn on the television and watch the morning news, that was also permissible. I needed to rearrange a bit in the bedroom to make room for my computer. No problem. I needed to use the internet. Not an issue. They gave us the password. Being made to feel at home meant we could do the same things at their house as ours.

When we’re at home with God, we won’t fear. We’re loved perfectly, completely, and unconditionally. Perfect love and fear should not coexist simultaneously. If it does, we have a flawed understanding of God’s love. Dangerous situations might evoke fear, but even that fear is controlled by trusting in our Protector.

At home with God, we’ll feel comfortable in his presence. He invites us to come boldly before his throne. We don’t have to fear rejection or that some past sin will disqualify us from interacting with him. In Christ, God forgives all our sins. We can dine with God as we do with a good friend.

Home is where we spend most of our time. When we’re at home with God, we’ll spend time with him. Since we can’t hear him audibly, we must listen to him through his Word, prayer, communion with other believers, and worship experiences. My wife and I couldn’t have made ourselves at home at our relatives’ house unless we were there. Nor can we be at home with God if we neglect his presence.

An old saying reads, “There is no place like home.” And there isn’t. Home is where the heart is. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be home.

How can you feel more at home with God?

Prayer: Father, move us to the place where we feel right at home in Your presence.

Tweetable: Are you at home with God? 


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