Monday, February 27, 2023

Undeserved Mercy - Martin Wiles

undeserved mercy
May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace. Ephesians 1:2 NLT

I was the recipient of grace . . . undeserved mercy.

“I made God a promise I’d help the next person I knew whom he had called into ministry.” He spoke the words and then handed me an envelope. I was following God’s call, which, in this case, meant leaving my job and moving somewhere I’d never been. And without any promise of work or income. Having a family to care for made the decision more difficult. When I got home, I tore into the envelope. A check for $1,000 fell out.

Paul’s life before Christ had no peace, only religious zeal. Christians were different, and he was out to destroy as many as he could. He may have appeared happy and satisfied, but he wasn’t. Christ met him while he was on one of his escapades and offered him grace. He accepted, and for the first time in his life, he experienced peace.

Christ offered me grace for the first time when I was nine. I jumped at the offer. He’s provided grace daily since then, but the first time was the most monumental. This offer involved the chance to have my sins forgiven and the penalty for them erased. Accepting the offer restored me to a right relationship with God.

When grace came, peace followed. Now I didn’t have to worry anymore about my present or future state. In the present, I had the assurance of his presence in my life to give me guidance in every circumstance. I also had the peace of knowing heaven was in my future.

Later in Paul’s life, God told him his grace would always be sufficient. And it was. It carried him through numerous unpleasant situations. God’s grace does the same for us. 

When we lean on God in life’s trying situations, we find his grace to be sufficient and calming.

Let God’s grace assure you of forgiveness and give you peace amid life’s trials and tests.

Prayer: Father, we thank You for extending the grace of Your forgiveness and then giving us peace that is beyond our comprehension. 

Tweetable: Have you experienced God's undeserved mercy? 

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