Monday, October 17, 2022

Held Accountable - Martin Wiles

Held accountable
Stand in silence in the presence of the Sovereign Lord, for the awesome day of the Lord’s judgment is near. Zephaniah 1:7 NLT

I had to take the initiative, or the consequences would come quickly. I would be held accountable.

Middle school was a frightening experience. Cliques formed, peer pressure increased, and girls stopped being icky. But the most significant change was acquiring responsibility. If I were absent, the teacher would no longer remind me about make-up work. Instead, if I didn’t schedule make-up work, she would record a zero for the assignment. The rule was plain: “When students miss school, it is their responsibility to decide with their teachers to make up assignments. Failure to do so in a reasonable amount of time will result in a zero.” The late penalty or the “I forgot to turn it in” excuse didn’t work either. The teacher subtracted thirty points if the assignment was one day late. After that, it was a zero. Some middle school rules seemed harsh, but the teachers were trying to teach me a more important lesson: accountability for my actions.

The people Zephaniah preached to were adults who hadn’t learned accountability. Because they disobeyed God and wouldn’t repent, God sent a foreign power to exile them. Unfortunately, Zephaniah’s audience repeated their actions, so he warned them about their responsibility to God.

As a teacher of middle school students, I attempt to instill in my students the same thing my teachers tried to instill in me: accountability. My actions affect me and usually others. If I make bad eating choices, my health suffers. If my kids make lousy homework choices, their grades flounder. And poor relationship choices may lead to losing a spouse, job, or position at church.

While there are many earthly sources to whom I’m accountable, my ultimate accountability is to God.

Whether I like his rules matters not. He’s the Creator and gives the orders. I can obey and hear him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” or disobey and hear him say, “Depart from me.” The choice is mine. Personally, I’d rather hear the “Well done.”

How is recognizing your accountability to God impacting your life?

Prayer: Father, remind us we are accountable to You for our actions, words, and attitudes. 

Tweetable: How are you holding yourself accountable? 

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