Monday, July 18, 2022

Almost There - Anne Adams

Let’s not become discouraged in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not become weary. Galatians 6:9 NASB

Fog swirled around Catalina Island in the summer of 1952.

Florence Chadwick walked into the surf and began swimming toward the California coast two dozen miles away. Already an experienced long-distance swimmer, she had set a new record by crossing the English Channel the year before. So, accompanied by supporters in boats, she kept stroking on that July day. No doubt, the visible distant coastline of her goal helped her keep going.

Finally, after fifteen hours in the water—and as the fog thickened and obscured her view of the distant shoreline—Florence surrendered to fatigue and frustration. Once on the boat, she realized she was only a mile from her goal.

“I’m not excusing myself,” she said later, “but if I could see the land, I might have made it.”

Yet, a few months later, she was back in the water on a clear day to finish the course and set other new records.

Like Florence, I might sometimes cancel a goal and give up too soon. For me, it’s usually spiritual, such as when I halt my efforts on a God-given task. I might do it because I’ve lost my vision for the Lord’s ultimate purpose or because of fearful confusion. After all, we can’t always see our goal in God’s service as Florence Chadwick could with her endeavor. When I give up, I have usually succumbed to doubt.

But how futile. God can see where I’m going even when I can’t—and that’s enough. When it’s all over, I realize He was always there for my benefit and His glory.

How can you be reminded of God’s presence, even when the end is not in sight?

Tweetable: What do you do when you lose sight of the goal? 

Anne Adams is a retired church staffer living in Athens, Texas, where she writes a historical column for the local newspaper. Her book Brittany, Child of Joy, tells about her mentally disabled daughter and was published in 1986 by Broadman. She has taught junior college history and has published in Christian and secular publications for forty years. 

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