Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Walk-on Wednesday - Letting the Weights Fall - Martin Wiles

Welcome to Walk-on Wednesday. By Hump Day, we are struggling, but we believe a good devotion can strengthen us to finish the week strong. 

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. Hebrews 12:1 NLT

Every spring, thousands attempt it.

The Appalachian Trail extends from Springer Mountain, Georgia, to Mount Katahdin, Maine, more than 2,000 miles. The percentage of those who finish a thru-hike is low. Many drop out while hiking the access trial to the initial starting point. Those who continue usually find they must discard much of the paraphernalia they thought necessary: heavy tents, clothes, food. Any item that’s not absolutely necessary to complete the journey. Otherwise, the weight will weigh down the person’s physical shape and affect their emotional fortitude. Hiking the trail is more mental than physical.

Since the inception of time, millions of believers have walked the trail to heaven. All who begin finish, but many grow discouraged along the way, leading them to temporarily get off the trail or become emotionally and spiritually drained. Fortunately, they have many cheerleaders. All those who’ve made it are cheering from heaven.

I’ve never hiked the entire Appalachian Trail, but my daughter and I did complete the Foothills Trail that runs along the South Carolina/North Carolina border. On one such five-day trek, we discovered we had taken too much. While we didn’t discard anything along the way, we determined we’d pack lighter in the future. Fifty-pound packs make walking cumbersome—especially when hiking up steep peaks.

Many things can weigh us down as we attempt to live the Christian life. What they are, we discover through experience. When we’ve discovered them, we’re wise not to pick them up again and to stay away from anything or anyone who might encourage us to. These weights may be sins or simply innocent things that get in the way of us serving God fully. Either way, they must go if they hinder our spiritual journey. God is perfectly willing to help us put them away; we must simply ask.

What weights are slowing down your spiritual journey?

Prayer: Father, at this moment, we let any hindering weights fall so we can run our race well for You. 

Tweetable: What weights are holding you back? 

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