I shared my story, but, as they each began to share theirs, my offense suddenly seemed somewhat insignificant.
The subject of our small group discussion was forgiveness. I’ve had my share of hurts—some more serious than others, so I began by revealing the most painful hurt I’d ever experienced. Heads nodded, and I assumed they’d been there—in one form or another. As they shared their stories, I knew they had. A mother whose spouse poured acid over her and her unborn child…scarring the child for life. Another who’d had an alcoholic grandmother spread a vicious rumor that she’d had an abortion when it was only a ruptured appendix. Still, another told of an unfaithful spouse who still didn’t have time for his child even though she was presently an adult. And finally a story of a child’s sexual harassment. Each one had a choice: forgive or hold onto the hurt. Read more...
Don't forget to tell us about your journey to forgive.
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