Saturday, June 6, 2020

God Cares - Martin Wiles

Series: Nature Lessons About God

Look at the ravens. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than any birds! Luke 12:24 NLT

I heard their chirps and couldn’t help but care.

Several bird feeders linger in our front and back yards. One is an old stand ashtray. Easy to use because all I have to do is dump feed in it. Of course, it doesn’t keep out the rain, but convenience is nice.
On the side of the house hangs a pair of wind chimes with a little cup at the top where birdseed is placed. Each time a bird lands on it—or flies away—we hear music.

And hanging on our privacy fence in the back yard is an old slat chair on which I’ve placed a dish I fill with feed. Again, not waterproof, but convenient.

Near the feeder in the front, we’ve placed a small birdbath, suitable for washing off dusty wings or getting a drink of water. A larger one sits in our back yard. Squirrels usually frequent this one because of its size.

As I lounge around the house, I often hear the chirps of various birds: cardinals, wrens, sparrows. Either I have let the seed run out or they are calling their friends to join in the feast I’ve just delivered to the feeders. When I hear the chimes raging wildly, I know a squirrel is gnawing on sunflower seeds.

The cost of the seed is sometimes prohibitive, but I continue to buy it. I enjoy nature, but somehow I feel as if God expects me too. Yes, He will feed them if I don’t, but He also uses people to help Him care for His creations. I feel a sense of peace as I watch the wild things enjoy what I’ve placed before them. A sense of knowing I’ve done the right thing … that I’m aiding God in His work … doing what He expects of me.

But the picture grows. Jesus uses the picture of Him feeding the ravens to assure me He’ll take care of me—and all of His children. I don’t have to worry, just as the birds don’t have to worry. God may not care for me in the way I might imagine, but He will care for me nevertheless. In His way. According to His timetable.

Never doubt that God cares for you. When you do, just look at how He cares for the animals He’s created.

Prayer: Father, as You care for us, may we in turn care for what You have created.

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