Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Living with Purpose - Martin Wiles

Why, then, did you deliver me from my mother’s womb? Why didn’t you let me die at birth? Job 10:18 NLT

Harry Truman, once said, “Men who live in the past remind me of a toy I'm sure all of you have seen. The toy is a small wooden bird called the ‘Floogie Bird.’ Around the Floogie Bird's neck is a label reading, ‘I fly backward, I don't care where I'm going. I just want to see where I've been.’”
According to the MIDUS study—funded by the National Institute on Aging—people who live with purpose and have direction in life normally outlive their peers.
Purpose also affects businesses and corporations. According to the 2016 Workforce Purpose Index, businesses that operate with purpose experience growth, have satisfied employees who speak favorably of the company to others, have high-performance workers, and experience workers moving to jobs with entrepreneurial functions.
Having purpose makes life worth living, but many struggle with discovering theirs. Sometimes we fight the battle during the teenage or college years, and sometimes we wage it at mid-life.
We’re not told Job’s age when he fought his purpose war, but fight it he did. God had allowed Satan to bring all types of turmoil into Job’s life, but Job didn’t know this. From his standpoint, God was punishing him for being a righteous person. So Job made his complaint. If his life held such misery—and God knew ahead of time that it would—why didn’t God just kill him in the womb before he ever took his first gasp of air.
My purpose hasn’t always been clear either. At twelve, I thought it was to teach the Bible, at sixteen to drive a truck, and at twenty-six to minister full-time. And since then, my purpose has changed at least two more times.
Whatever my purpose is, it needs to involve Christ. He has a purpose for my life—and one that might change a number of times throughout my lifetime. But in some way, wherever He leads me, His purpose will help expand His Kingdom on earth.
Following His purpose will entail trusting Him for guidance, even when the way seems murky. In the end—no matter where His road takes me—when I follow, my living out God’s purpose will shine the light on Him. After all, that’s why He’s placed us here.
Don’t wander around aimlessly in life. Discover God’s purpose for you, and follow it eagerly.
Prayer: Father, guide us to Your purpose, and then give us the fortitude to follow it.

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