You have been believers so long now that
you ought to be teaching others. Hebrews 5:12 NLT
“Hey Pop, I can
reach the light switch.”
Having kept our
two oldest grandchildren since they were babies, my wife and I have watched
them grow through many life stages. When the oldest reached the stage where he
could go to the potty by himself and feed himself, life got easier for us. But
no sooner had we gotten him to this point than his brother came along, and we
had to start all over again.
Our middle
grandson learned to feed himself with no problem, but when it came to potty
training, he wasn’t interested. We finally gave up, taking the advice someone
gave: “When he’s ready, he’ll go.”
And he did. Since he was short, we had to go
with him and let him stand on our feet. Then, he grew an inch or so and didn’t
need our help with that part of the bathroom visit, but he still couldn’t reach
the light switch.
As I sat in my
recliner one day, I heard him say he had to go to the potty. “Go ahead,” my
wife said. I asked about the light switch. That’s when he proudly told me he
could reach it himself.
We know as they
grow, they will need us less, which is a mixed blessing. Relief that we don’t
have to do everything for them. Sadness that they’re growing up.
Growing up is
easy and tough. I don’t have a choice with physical growth. It just
happens. But the social and emotional things that accompany the physical things
aren’t so easy. The writer of Hebrews scolds these early believers because they
weren’t growing … spiritually. They should have known the Bible well enough to
teach it to others, but they didn’t.
My body can’t help
but grow physically. God made it that way. Even children whose mental or
physical growth is stunted for various reasons still grow in various ways. But
I won’t just grow spiritually unless I try.
Just attending
church, simply reading the Bible, or quickly spouting off a few memorized
prayers aren’t enough. We must go for the right reasons, read with focus and
the intention of applying, and pray as if our lives depend upon it. And if we
want to grow spiritually and enjoy God’s best for us, they do.
Don’t be
satisfied with just getting by in your walk with the Lord. Adopt an attitude
that will lead to your spiritual growth.
Prayer: Father
in heaven, give us the desire to grow spiritually so that we might know life as
You designed it to be.
Tweetable: How are you growing?

Love this! Yes, adopt an attitude that will lead to spiritual growth. During this time of online worship services, I pray we all will find a way to draw closer to God. I am enjoying watching my home church service on Sunday mornings. We will be having some meetings via online, too. Have a blessed weekend! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Melissa. Stay safe.