The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell
the truth. Proverbs 12:22 NLT
I had no proof
she lied, but the evidence seemed pretty weighty.
My brother and
his fiancé were coming for supper. My wife wanted to cook a particular dish she
didn’t have all the ingredients for. My normal routine after work is to take a
thirty-minute walk. Since we live just behind a major grocery chain, my wife
often asks me to stop by and pick up a few things. She did this time.
Looking at the
text my wife sent, telling me exactly what to get (I have a habit of getting
the wrong thing.), I scanned the aisle for the cans of broth and consume—noting
the sale price beneath them. But when the cashier scanned them, they rang up at
the regular price. I questioned him. He sent for a supervisor, a young girl who
didn’t look overly excited about helping.
She walked four
aisles toward the back to check the price. Staying gone longer than it should
have taken her, I wondered what she was doing. Could she not find the item? Was
she moving a tag someone placed in the wrong spot? Should I have taken a
picture? I wished I had.
“Only the soups
are on sale, not the broth,” she said after a long absence.
“So, there
wasn’t a tag saying $1.79 beneath the broth?” I questioned.
“No,” she said
with a sly smile.
“Are you sure,”
I questioned again.
“Yes, but I’ll
give them to you for that.”
I wanted to
walk back to the aisle to make sure I saw the price correctly, but feared I
wouldn’t find the original price tag. Next time, I’ll take a picture. Something
else my wife has taught me to do.
Solomon makes
it quite plain how God feels about lying. He detests it. Whether the young girl
lied or not, she’ll have to live with it—and I’ll never know. But I’m not responsible
for her, just me.
Even though God
implants a new nature in His children, we can still be prone to lie when it
suits what we perceive as our best interests, when we want to escape
punishment, or when we’re trying to protect others or ourselves. None, however,
are valid reasons in God’s sight.
honesty is a daily challenge—but one God gives us the power to master if we
rely on Him.
Make it a point
to let honesty be your life policy.
Prayer: Father,
help us make honest choices each day.
Tweetable: Is honesty your policy?

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