Saturday, November 23, 2019

Whatever I Need - Martin Wiles

The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to his rescue every time. Psalm 34:19 NLT

God is many things to many people, but whatever He is, He’s the right thing.

While waiting for my bathwater to finish running, I stepped into my bedroom, only to hear a loud crash. Running to the bathroom to investigate, I found the bathroom window lying in the bathtub, shattered into a million pieces. God became my Savior … of another type.

When I refused to walk outside after dark—despite my father’s reminder that it wasn’t anything in the dark that wasn’t there in the light—I needed someone to reassure me. God became my protector.

In those times when the paycheck hasn’t stretched enough to cover the monthly bills, God has shown me repeatedly that He’s sufficient to meet my needs regardless of what the math says.

When relationships disintegrated into nothingness, when people tore my heart to pieces, and when my kids went astray, God became my comforter, my rescuer, and my peace.

If I didn’t have the words to comfort someone who’d faced significant loss, God either gave me the words or supplied the strength to be exactly what they needed.

And when I was a nine-year-old young lad, my father told me I had sinned and fallen short of God’s forgiveness. But God gave me hope. He had sent His only begotten Son to pay for my sins. All I had to do was ask for forgiveness—which I did. God became my Savior.

The psalmist acknowledged that troubles don’t leave believers alone. Christian history and experience teach this truth. The difference comes in the response to the trials. Believers believe God controls the trial and will rescue them in one way or another. We have hope that nonbelievers don’t.

God doesn’t change shapes when He comes to us, nor is He shapeless. He is a spirit, but He manifests Himself in the form of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Through the Father, He manifests the attributes any good father should when interacting with his children. As Son, He can save from sin, along with any other saving we need. And as Spirit, He resides in us to give us the daily guidance, support, wisdom, and courage we need to face life’s trials and troubles.

Whatever you need God to be to you, know that He’ll oblige.

Prayer: Father, we trust You to be just the right thing we need when we need You.

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