Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Throwback Tuesday - Cures for Restless Nights - Martin Wiles

Cures for Restless Nights

A good night’s sleep is important for physical and emotional well-being, but what happens when it’s filled with tossing and turning?

Sleeping all night was never an issue until I reached mid-life. As soon as my head lay on the pillow, I was in slumber heaven. Then suddenly things changed. I still had no problem falling asleep, but staying asleep became a problem. Two hours. Awake. Bathroom trip. Two more hours. Awake again. Another bathroom trip. When the alarm clock announced morning, my eyelids wanted to remain closed, and I felt as if I’d never been to bed. I could take medicine to help me sleep or perhaps purchase an expensive, fancy mattress, but I choose to live with the tossing and turning. Read more...

Tweetable: Are you having restless nights?

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