Monday, September 30, 2019

Where Can God Be Found? - Martin Wiles

What I’m looking for isn’t always found where I’m looking.
I’m always looking to discover more friends through my writing. Along with pointing others to Christ and helping them deepen their walk with him, it’s also nice to establish acquaintances along the way. 
Sometimes I find them in the most unlikely places. Just recently I received a letter from a reader forwarded to me by a publisher. This person was in prison and had read one of my devotions in a quarterly publication. He wanted to make contact and ask for prayer and guidance. So I wrote back, and we’ve been corresponding ever since. 
Prison wasn’t the place I was looking for a friend, but I discovered one nevertheless. And it doesn’t matter what he’s done in the past; only what God can do in his present and future.
Nathanael, future follower of Jesus, didn't expect to find the Messiah in the insignificant town of Nazareth. “Nazareth!” exclaimed Nathanael. “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” “Come and see for yourself,” Philip replied (John 1:46 NLT).
Since God loves to confound us, I’ve learned to look outside the box when I search for him. And sure enough, I often unearth him in places I wouldn’t think to look. While he’s present in the normal places—the pages of his Word, the prayer closet, in corporate worship experiences--he also makes himself known where I might not think or want to look.
I’ve uncovered God at what appeared to be youth rock concerts. However, the lyrics were Christian and so were many of the attendees. Teens praised God, made important decisions, and gave their lives to Christ. Surely, God must have been there. Jesus demonstrated God could be located in the presence of children, in the home of those considered chief sinners, and even among the outcasts of society.
Where is God found? Wherever love is displayed. Are you overlooking him?
Prayer: Father in heaven, may we learn to see You and manifest Your presence through our acts of love in all the places we go to.

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1 comment:

  1. God is found in every moment of every hour of every day. I am thankful to know He is found in the big things and the small things in life. What a comfort! :-)
