Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Right Clothing - Martin Wiles

“I can’t go in these,” he protested to Saul. “I’m not used to them.” So David took them off again. 1 Samuel 17:39 NLT

What I wear can change my life.

I’m glad I live when casual dress is the norm. I’ve never enjoyed wearing a tie, nor a three-piece suit. Where I teach, casual is accepted. No ties or suits. 

But neither can I wear blue jeans, except on Friday which is our casual casual day. If I wore jeans on other days, my lead teacher or headmaster would call me in, question why I was violating the dress code, and give me a warning. If I continued to wear clothing that violated the dress code, he would hand me my walking papers. My life would change. I’d be out of a job with no means to pay my bills.

Clothing speaks volumes. Women of the evening wear certain clothes so men will know they are women of the evening. People may dress in certain ways when they are attempting to impress or attract a certain girl or boy. Others wear particular clothes or shoes because they fit the going style and they want to join the “in” crowd.

Shepherd boy David discovered some clothes weren’t for him. When no one else would fight the cocky Philistine giant, Goliath, who made fun of David’s God, David stepped up for the job. King Saul offered David his armor. David tried it on, but it was too large, so he gave it back. He faced the giant clothed in shepherd’s attire with a sling and a few rocks. He wore the right clothing for the task at hand.

Paul says we should clothe ourselves with Christ (Romans 13:14). This happens initially when I believe Jesus paid for my sins on Calvary’s cross, acknowledge my sinfulness, ask Him to forgive me, and pledge to obey Him. God the Father then clothes me with the righteousness of His Son, justifying me and fitting me for heaven.

But I must put on Christ daily thereafter. This happens when I realize what’s on the inside carries more importance than what’s on the outside. While my clothing should be decent and not revealing, the styles are unimportant. So is the makeup, cologne, perfume, jewelry, and hair color.

Outward beauty comes from inner beauty—a relationship with Christ wherein I try each day to reflect His attitude, actions, love, and kindness toward others.

Focus more on your inner beauty. When that’s intact, it will shine brightly on the outside.

Prayer: Father, beautify us on the inside so our outside will show Your love to the world.

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1 comment:

  1. What's inside is what is important as is shines through. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
