Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Miracles Still Happen - Martin Wiles

But I do his work, believe in the evidence of the miraculous works I have done, even if you don’t believe in me. John 10:38 NLT

We needed a miracle—and quickly.

A serious financial setback had hit. At the moment, our past-due electricity bill was the most serious fallout. My wife tried to find help, and did. The week we needed help, only one caseworker was on duty.

“You need to get here early,” she told my wife. At 7:05 a.m., we lined up at the doors, which didn’t open until 8 a.m. After making sure everything was in order—and that we qualified by our income—the caseworker gave us a time to return for processing: 3 p.m.

At our designated time, we returned. The receptionist made copies of our driver’s licenses and social security cards and took our paperwork to the caseworker. A few minutes later she returned: “Houston, we have a problem.”

When we moved the last time, I had forgotten to change the address on my driver’s license. Everything had to match, which meant going to the Department of Motor Vehicles and getting back in thirty minutes, the final time the caseworker would see us.

“I’ll pray for you while you go,” the receptionist echoed.

With a disgusting look on my face and little faith in my heart, I set out. To my surprise, I was immediately processed and out within ten minutes.

I’d just witnessed a miracle. Sure enough, I made it back by 3:30 p.m., and the caseworker processed the paperwork and paid our bill in full.

Jesus confronted doubters too. He told them if His words weren’t enough to convince them He was the Messiah that they should believe His miracles. In the Old Testament, miracles were spectacular. Jesus toned them down a bit. Today, they are perhaps even more miler—but only because of our expectations that they must be large and noticeable.

The greatest miracle is when God changes a person’s heart by forgiving their sin and giving them a new nature. But He also performs other miracles every day. Like helping me get where I need to be and back within a certain time.

God’s little miracles don’t have to be enormous. We just need faith He can do what we need Him to do. Doubt binds His hands, but our faith frees Him to give us what we need. And He performs them because He loves us.

Believe God can give you a miracle today.

Prayer: Father, we believe You are still a miracle-working God who works on our behalf.

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