For thousands of years, people have found comfort in the Psalms. No matter what emotion you are experiencing or fight you're facing, the psalms have something important to say. For the next little while, Love Lines from God will feature, "Solace from the Psalms." We hope you enjoy. And please share them with a friend.
He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me.
Psalm 18:19 NLT
We have them in our
bathrooms, bedrooms, and dining room. And they all mirror the same thing:
whatever or whoever stands or sits in front of them.
Mirrors display what
displays in them. If I stand in front of it, I don’t see my wife. If our cat or
dog parades before it, they see themselves. A mirror bears the exact image of
what stands before it unless it’s cracked or distorted.
But one thing a mirror
can’t do is reflect what’s on my inside…my character, attitudes, and motives.
The only way it can display these is if I act them out before the mirror. Such
as with an angry face or clenched fists.
According to the
psalmist, God delights in His children. The reason He does is because they bear
His image. God created humans—and only humans—in His image. I parrot the
characteristics of God in a way no animal or plant can. I feel, express
emotions, and am capable of behavior that no other created thing can experience
or display.
Jesus reflected the
image of his Heavenly Father during his earthly ministry. He told people that
looking at Him was looking at the Father. Just as I bear the image of my
earthly parents, so I am to reflect correctly the image of my Lord and Savior.
When I was a rebellious teenager, I didn’t bear my parent’s image clearly, and living
disobediently to God’s principles distorts His image in me also.
Sin distorts God’s
image in individuals, but accepting Christ’s work on the cross gives the
opportunity to have it restored.
Instead of reflecting
the bad, mirror the good.
Join the conversation: What have you experienced with a mirror?
Tweetable: Are you reflecting God to others?
Prayer: Merciful God,
enable us to correctly reflect Your image before others.

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