Friday, August 9, 2019

Dealing with Depression - Solace from the Psalms - Martin Wiles

For thousands of years, people have found comfort in the Psalms. No matter what emotion you are experiencing or fight you're facing, the psalms have something important to say. For the next little while, Love Lines from God will feature, "Solace from the Psalms." We hope you enjoy. And please share them with a friend. 

You have taken away my companions and loved ones. Darkness is my closest friend. Psalm 88:18 NLT
“Take the medicine and stay out of the Emergency Room.”
Those were my doctor’s words when I finally accepted his diagnosis of depression. My home and professional life were in shambles. I felt like I was in a tailspin—barely able to keep my head above water. Dark clouds were my constant friends. Pains afflicted various parts of my body. Was it stress, worry, or an approaching heart attack?
Moving nearer my family helped but didn’t completely heal my state of mind. I took the meds, but the side effects were worse than the symptoms. After numerous trips to the Emergency Room—only to be told “We can’t find anything wrong,” I accepted my doctor’s advice. Sure enough, after a few weeks, the side effects diminished, and the dark cloud lifted.
Perhaps David didn’t know it, but he was most likely depressed. His words are reflective.
I’ve discovered depression is no respecter of persons. “Super saints” have been known to disparage depressed believers with statements such as, “Just get over it,” or “You must not have enough faith,” but biblical examples and Christian history reveal believers get depressed. We experience life just as everyone else does.
Depression is ultimately silenced by relying on God, but often temporarily relieved with counseling and medicine. The cure usually involves all three methods. God graciously provides Christian counselors as well as wisdom to researchers who develop medicine. Both counseling and medicine can be taken without feeling guilty as long as we don’t lose focus on who the ultimate healer is.
If you’re struggling with darkness, cry out to God first, and then let Him direct you to any other means you may need to heal your emotions.
Join the conversation. Tell us one way you've dealt with depression. 
Prayer: We trust You Almighty God to heal our bodies, our spirits, and our emotions.

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