For thousands of years, people have found comfort in the Psalms. No matter what emotion you are experiencing or fight you're facing, the psalms have something important to say. For the next little while, Love Lines from God will feature, "Solace from the Psalms." We hope you enjoy. And please share them with a friend.
Lord, through all the generations you
have been our home! Psalm 90:1 NLT
Strolling through
the store, I picked them up one by one, searching for their origin.
Clothes made in
Taiwan, the Philippines, Canada, Vietnam, and the United States. Drinking
glasses manufactured in China. Towels and washrags produced in Korea. In any
retail store, the world is represented.
Having purchased
items manufactured by countries worldwide, I’ve discovered the quality is not
identical. Pants made with cheaper cloth are normally too small while ones
produced with higher quality cloth are sometimes too large. One manufacturer
guarantees their product for life while another offers a short warranty—two years
is a lifetime.
Bodies have one
manufacturer. The tag in my shirt may read, “Made in America,” the one in my
trousers, “Made in China,” and the one on my undergarments, “Made in Taiwan,”
but my body tag reads, “Made by God.” And a God of variety no less. Notice the
various shapes, eye colors, hair colors, heights, noses, ears, and feet. (Who
says God doesn’t have a sense of humor?)
“Made by God” entails
uniqueness. Not the kind resulting in snooty attitudes but the type reminding
us God’s acceptance is ultimately all that matters. There’s not another like
you. DNA testing proves it.
With the proper
care, our bodies will last as long as God plans. A relationship with Him enacts
a lifetime guarantee extending into eternity. Whatever God created you to be, He
constructed you to do.
Discover what God has
planned for you.
Tweetable: Have you discovered God's plan for you?
Prayer: Heavenly
Father, enable us to fulfill Your purposes for our lives.

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