Saturday, July 20, 2019

In Control - Martin Wiles

No one can stop him or say to him, “What do you mean by doing these things?” Daniel 4:35b NLT

What he thought he controlled, he didn’t.

Our foursome—my brother, his girlfriend, my wife, and I—set out to hike the Oconee Bell Trail, a one-mile loop trail where the rare wildflower blooms from mid-March until early April.

Along the way, we passed a pond that appeared stagnant. My brother remarked that it would be a good place to catch bass. My wife thought it looked like a good place to find snakes. I was more interested in the sign telling the history of the pond.

A farmer dammed the stream to form the pond. Later, he moved. The information didn’t tell how long ago the event happened, just what was happening at present. Although the farmer thought he could control the stream, he mistook the power of the stream—and the One who controlled it.

As I walked to the other end of the pond, I noticed the stream exiting the pond and making its way down the mountain. The stream still ran through the pond and was actually in the process of reclaiming its lost territory. The sign invited visitors to return at a later date to witness the stream’s progress. The farmer attempted to change the landscape, but when he left things began returning to normal.

Daniel said a similar thing about the power of God as the sign said about the strength of the stream. No one can stop God. And questioning why He does something is a waste of time.

Knowing God is in control comforts me. Believing fate controlled things would produce anxiety. I may not understand my circumstances—or why God allows some things to happen in this world or in people’s lives—but I can know He’s a God of love who acts in the best interests of His people. He promises to work all things together for our good, although His good may look entirely different than what we perceive as good. That’s where faith and trust come in.

As the stream controlled the pond—not the other way around—so God controls the events of your life. He loves you and works to form you more into His image so that He can use you to accomplish His work in this world. 

Don’t try to dam up God's work in your life. Let Him flow freely and powerfully.

Prayer: Father, we give You complete control to do whatever You desire in our lives.

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