God has given each of you a gift from his
great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1
Peter 4:10 NLT
“Many hands make
light work.” And it did for us.
Middle School
field day. An annual event middle school teachers didn’t care for. While it
gave us a day out of class, most of us would have rather taught. We once had
the event in late spring, just before school let out. By then, the weather in
the South had turned steamy, and we spent a miserable day in the hot sun with
no shade to be found. Although our lead teacher planned the event, we had to
help execute it.
Then a miracle
came along. One of the football and baseball coaches came on board as a
teacher. He knew how to deal with the rambunctious boys because he coached
them. Our lead teacher came up with a brainstorm: let him plan and execute
field day. We would be his helpers. The headmaster had also hired another
younger male teacher. The two would make a great team to head up field day.
We teachers now view field day through different lenses. The coach
prepares a schedule and executes it. His voice booms, and the kids listen to
him. The remainder of us teachers sit on the sideline and enjoy watching the
kids burn their calories while we do nothing but supervise. His helping hands
have changed our perspective on field day. Now we look at it as a day of
The coach has
discovered his gift. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t become a head coach
somewhere one day. But for now, he uses his helping hands to follow Peter’s
God gives His
children many talents and at least one spiritual gift. No one can say, “I have
nothing to serve others with.” Our responsibility is to discover our gift and
talents and then use them in God’s service. How this coach discovered his, I’m
not sure. Probably through his love for sports. Then one thing led to another.
He also majored in history. The two seem to go together—at least in small
private schools.
When we study
God’s Word, take advantage of opportunities to serve and listen to others, God
will show us our gifts. Then He will give us ample chances to use them for His
glory and to advance His Kingdom.
Are you using
your hands to help?
Tweetable: What are you doing with your hands?
Prayer: Father,
show us what You want us to use our hands for.

That sure was a wonderful gift! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!