Series: The Road
to Humility
It’s better to wait for an invitation to
the head table than to be sent away in public disgrace. Proverbs
25:7 NLT
She inched
through the parking lot, looking for a space—but not just any space.
Tyler Perry’s
Madea wanted a space down front, so she slowly made her way up and down every
aisle looking for an empty spot and waiting for someone to back out. As she
did, a snobby rich woman in a fancy sports car followed her, honking her horn
and screaming at her to get out of the way.
Madea, ignoring
her, finally saw someone backing out. She politely stopped and waited while the
woman continued to blow at her. As Madea was about to pull into the parking
space, the rich woman zoomed around her and took her spot. Madea was furious,
yelled at her, and told her she knew she was waiting on that spot. The rich
woman ignored her and proceeded into the store.
Not one to let
anyone else get anything over on her, Madea mounted a forklift that sat
nearby, picked the woman’s car up, and dumped it on its roof—an action that landed
her in jail.
Madea wanted the
best space in the parking lot, but so did the rich woman. The scene shows human
nature at its best—and worst. We typically want the best, not less. The writer
of Proverbs says it’s better to take the back seat and wait for an invitation
to come up front than it is to be humiliated by the host and asked to move from
the front to the back. Jesus aid a similar thing hundreds of years later.
Pride, not
humility, leads me to crave the best—the place that puts me above others and
shines the spotlight on me. Trouble is, what appears as the best doesn’t remain
the best for long. Someone more important or better liked will always displace
me. And if the best is material possessions, I’ll discover they decompose just
like the less-than-best stuff. Nothing is permanent; everything is temporary.
Panting for the
best above others also ruins my testimony. Humility leads me to put others
first and serve them. Madea could have offered the spot to the rich snob, but
pride led her to take revenge instead. Jesus put others above Himself. As His
followers, we should do the same.
Look for ways to
put the needs of others above yours.
Tweetable: Are you willing to take the back seat?
Prayer: Father,
give us a humble spirit that allows others to take the spot before us.

There are many blessings found in humility.