"Silence! Be
still!” Mark
4:39 NLT
Storms seemed to magically appear from nowhere.
Fishing on the Santee River with my maternal grandmother was
one of my favorite things to do while growing up. Each day, she fixed an early
lunch, ate, cleaned up, walked onto her wraparound porch, and looked at the
clouds. If no billowy clouds appeared—ones that could easily form into
thunderheads—she packed.
When she accounted for all items, she drove six miles to the
spot where she anchored her boat. After loading the boat, she fired the engine
and headed for her favorite nooks and crannies. Fishing in these hidden places
made it almost impossible to see storm clouds brewing, but she kept a wary eye
out for them anyway. After all, she couldn’t swim, and she fished alone.
Drowning wasn’t on her list of things to do.
Nor did Jesus’ disciples want to—even though they, too, were
seasoned fishermen. When they encountered a storm, they woke Jesus from a late
afternoon nap. Didn’t He care they were about to drown? But Jesus wasn’t
alarmed—or afraid. He merely rebuked the storm, telling it to be quiet. And it listened.
Literal storms can be nasty but not normally as intense as
some of the other types we face in life. When they come, perspective is vital.
Had my grandmother constantly feared about storms, she never would have placed
her boat in the water. Fear of life’s storms can incapacitate me—but they
shouldn’t. God controls them.
Whether He allows them or sends them is immaterial. Trying to
figure it out is only beneficial if my sin has caused the storm. Otherwise, I
endure, realizing He is in control. And while in the storm, I pray He will keep
me from making foolish decisions.
Storms often lead to fruit. Bad storms can result in a
greater yield of fish. They also tend to produce good things in my life if I
respond properly. Traits such as patience, trust, faith, love, kindness.
Life’s storms can also provide great witnessing material.
People can’t argue with my personal testimony. When I share how God stilled my
storms and what He taught me, they get a dose of what it’s like to follow
Don’t fear or waste your storms. Let God use them for good in
your life.
Tweetable: Are life's storms wrecking your life?
Prayer: Father, although we don’t enjoy life’s storms, we
know You allow them for our good and Your glory.
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