Friday, September 28, 2018

Flashback Friday - Honesty-Still the Best Policy - Martin Wiles

Honesty—Still the Best Policy 

How could anyone cheat an elderly person? And simply to pad their pocket.

I was working my first job at Orkin Exterminating Company. Not my idea of the ideal job but all that was available at the moment. And it was paying my bills. Shortly after starting, I was transferred from spaying the insides of houses to treating the underneaths. This was even more distasteful. But when I was called to install a moisture barrier under an elderly lady’s home and was choked by the dust I encountered, my attitude deteriorated even more. How could a salesperson sell an elderly person something they obviously didn’t need? Honesty was definitely not his policy. Making money was. Read more...

Tweetable: Where is honesty on your priority list?

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