Saturday, May 5, 2018

Maintaining the Shape - Martin Wiles

Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? 1 Corinthians 6:19 NLT
“Book.” Then he brought me the book I must have read fifty times already.
Like his brother, my second grandson loves for me to read to him. Dr. Seuss is his favorite author and especially the book “The Shape of Me and Other Stuff.” I almost have it memorized. When I read the last page, he whimpers and I know what he wants. Read it again.
The book with the sentence, “I say Hooray for the shape we’re in.” But I’ve not always celebrated my shape. And how many do? All the way through school, I was skinnier than I wanted to be. I longed to gain weight so I would be fawned over by girls, picked for teams, and eligible to play sports. It never happened. Years later, I still don’t like my shape—but for a different reason. I’m out of shape. Whereas I once didn’t have enough weight, now I have too much. And keeping it under control is a constant battle.
I suppose I’m not the only one who struggles with the shape of their shape. How else can you explain the numerous diets offered, healthy eating programs presented, weight loss procedures pitched, and fitness places built? Shaping up is a struggle.
While my physical shape is important, my spiritual shape is more important. My body houses God’s Spirit. And God is particular about the shape of His residence.
God wants my shape to be holy. Holiness, for some, has negative connotations. But it doesn’t have to mean charismatic activity. It simply means my body has been set apart for God’s use and to accomplish His plan. God is different than all others, and as His follower, I am too. Holiness should extend to my thoughts, actions, and words.
God wants my shape to affect my generation. All it takes for one generation to forget godly things is for the previous generation to drop the ball in passing along spiritual teachings. If I don’t shape my generation, the next will suffer.
God also wants my shape to be evangelistic. He doesn’t want the good news of what He’s done for humanity through Jesus Christ to be kept a secret. In many small ways, I can share the love of Christ with others.
Shape up. God wants it, and you’ll feel better when you do.

Prayer: Father, mold us into the shape You desire us to be. 

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