Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Baby for Christmas - Martin Wiles

A Baby for Christmas

Rarely did Santa bring her what she wanted for Christmas, but one Christmas... 

Elsie and her sister Connie grew up the daughters of a dirt-poor farmer who attempted to eke out a living from sandy soil in the Low Country of South Carolina. By the time her father died, he had made a name for himself in the community and accumulated enough in land and money to be considered well off. But Elsie had left home long before and knew nothing of the wealth growing up that her parents experienced later in life. Even in their later years—when they could have lived more comfortably, they lived as if they had very little. Never a new car or truck. Never a new tractor or combine. Just the same old farmhouse Elsie had grown up in with no central air or heat. Not even a window air conditioning unit. Just one lonely gas heater in the kitchen and an even smaller one in the bathroom. Read more...

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