Saturday, November 25, 2017

When God Thunders - Martin Wiles

The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded amid the hail and burning coals. Psalm 18:13 NLT
We counted—1 1,000, 2 1,000, 3 1000—and then ran for cover.
One church my father pastored was populated by farming families. One, in particular, grew hundreds of acres of watermelons. When the watermelon farmer offered me a part-time job in the afternoons, I accepted.
The fields were shrouded with weeds as tall as I was. Humidity sweltered, and I sweated and choked for air as I heaved the watermelons onto the back of the farm truck. The climate of mid-summer made conditions perfect for afternoon thunderstorms. When we saw the first flash of lightning, we counted. Three seconds equaled a mile. If we didn’t get to 3 1,000s before we heard the clap of thunder, we ran for whatever cover we could find.
I’ve repeated the same procedure while hiking in the mountains. Thunder is the sound of lightning, and though the chances of being struck by lightning are slim, the chances increase when I’m in an unprotected environment.
When the psalmist described God’s approach to deal with his enemies, he chose the sound of thunder. Thunder is frightening because of its association with lightning. And God’s power can be just as frightening or comforting—depending on whether I’m His friend or enemy.
Thunder can be a low rumble or an ear-piercing clap. The first doesn’t normally frighten me, but the second sends me scurrying for cover. Hearing God can be similar. Sometimes His voice heard in my spirit is loud and clear while at other times it’s barely perceptible.
Unconfessed sin in my life will keep me from hearing God, but sin isn’t the only thing that makes His voice sound like a rumble instead of a loud clap. Busyness, misplaced priorities, and selfishness can all play a part.
Several conclusions, however, bring comfort. God is continuously speaking to our spirits. Things in our life may soften His whisper, but He speaks nevertheless. God wants us to hear Him. When we don’t, we tend to do things our way, which leads to wandering in wrong directions. Preparing daily to hear Him is crucial. Beginning the morning with a prayer asking Him to speak clearly and to help you hear clearly helps. Praying on the armor He provides is also a good follow-up (Ephesians 6:11-18).
Do whatever is necessary to hear God when He thunders.

Prayer: Father, enable us to hear You clearly when You speak from the heavens. 

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