O Lord, you have
examined my heart and know everything about me. You
know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. Psalm 139:1-2
Regardless of how many times I explained the concept, some
continued to misunderstand and make mistakes.
Correctly punctuating compound sentences—or independent
clauses—was one of the simplest yet most difficult concepts I taught in Language
Arts. The rule was simple: when two independent clauses are joined by a
coordinating conjunction, a comma must precede the conjunction. In order for an
independent clause to be claimed as such, it must have a subject, verb, and a
complete thought—not just a verb and a few prepositional phrases.
And it was the latter that confused many students. Many of
them would place a comma when the sentence was actually a simple sentence with
compound verbs. Others would mistake the word “then” for a coordinating
conjunction and place a comma. I spilled much red ink when correcting papers
that related to correctly punctuating compound sentences. Although I explained
the concept in every imaginable way, the rule often didn’t sink in. Their
failure to understand cost them many unnecessary mistakes.
I, too, have failed to understand concepts when I was in
school. My misunderstanding was more in math than English classes though. And
more worrisome is being misunderstood by others. The psalmist was confident God
understood him. After all, God had created him. He knew everything about him,
even his innermost thoughts.
Failing to understand a concept and being misunderstood by
others aren’t pleasant. Both can lead to frustration. I’ve taught students who
practically gave up, and I’ve known people who struggled with depression
because others just didn’t “get” them.
Since God
made me, He knows everything about me. He knows what things I struggle with—the
hard subject, the unpleasant work atmosphere, the tough relationship, the
co-dependent friend, the addiction. He doesn’t have to hear me voice my
frustrations because He knows my thoughts. He understands me.
There will
always be things I don’t understand, as well as some who don’t understand me. I
can live with that as long as my Creator is by my side, guiding me along life’s
journey. He’s the friend who will never leave, who will always comfort, and who
will forever understand.
Take comfort
in knowing God understands when no one else does.
Father, thank You for creating us and for understanding everything about us.
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