Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Accepting God’s Will - Martin Wiles

Kings’ daughters are among your noble women. At your right side stands the queen, wearing jewelry of finest gold from Ophir! Psalm 45:9 NLT

Being told to submit wasn’t as easy as the process itself.

Like most children, I chafed at times under my parents’ authority. As a child, I accepted they were always right. As I got older, I questioned some of their rules and regulations. Dad was a preacher, but how did that relate to my being forced to go to church. And there were occasions when I was convinced my parents were wrong, yet they never apologized when I brought it to their attention. 

During my period of rebellion and questioning, I tired of hearing, “As long as your feet are under my table, you’ll do as I say.” Though the hippie within me often rose up, I accepted their will until I moved out.

The Bible is filled with stories of individuals who willingly and unwillingly accepted God’s will. God told Noah to build a large boat, and he did. He told Abraham to leave his hometown, and he did. He commanded Jonah to preach to the Ninevites, but he ran. He instructed Samuel to anoint David as the next king of Israel, and he did. Now David was that king because he accepted God’s will.

That some choose to rebel against God’s will enforces what the Bible teaches. God has given me free will. He is sovereign and has decreed certain things will happen, but in some unexplainable way I still have the freedom to make choices that take me away from His plan.

Though God will let me refuse His will, He encourages me to accept it. His will is best. Choosing Him over Satan is wise as is choosing heaven over hell. 

Choosing the abundant life He offers is better than choosing the temporary pleasures of sinful activities. As His child, when I choose to depart from His will, He sends conviction along with discipline. For Jonah, it was three days inside a large fish’s stomach.

Accepting God’s will takes intentionality on my part. My sinful, fleshly nature prompts me to go the other way. And God’s will often takes me away from the comfortable and familiar as it did Abraham and Moses. Yet, it’s better to be uncomfortable and anxious and be in God’s will than to remain where I am and miss His blessings.

When you discover God’s will for your life, accept it and leave the consequences to God.

Prayer: Father, make Your will known to us, and then give us the courage to accept it. 

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