Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Throwback Tuesday - Different Is Okay - Martin Wiles

Different is Okay

Different is okay now; but it wasn’t always.

Peer pressure is real. The pressures of elementary school seem tame when compared to the present, but they were intense then. A certain brand of tennis shoes, a particular name on my jeans, or letting the lazy students who were bullies copy my homework or gaze on my test. Pressures were more intense in the teen years. Drinking, smoking, and using drugs were the big three. In adulthood, the pressures became more subtle but were just as penetrating. Re-think what I believed about God, cheat on my wife, fudge on my income tax return, steal from the boss, and call in sick when I wasn’t. Sometimes I gave in to temptation because I didn’t want to be different. Read more...

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