Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Being God’s Man - Martin Wiles

It was by faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. He obeyed God, who warned him about things that had never happened before. By his faith Noah condemned the rest of the world, and he received the righteousness that comes by faith. Hebrews 11:7 NLT

Everybody has a father story, and they run the gamut. 

I grew up in a traditional family. My father was present, supportive, and loving. Many families aren’t as fortunate. Some fathers drink to excess, abuse or run around on their wives, spend the family’s money on addictions, or simply aren’t around. 

Noah certainly wasn’t a perfect man or father, but he was good enough that the Bible holds him up as worthy of emulation. In a time when everyone was going the wrong way, Noah went the right way. In a time when water came up from the ground, Noah believed God when He said it would soon come from the sky—and for 40 days and nights. 

From the life of Noah, we can build an acronym for FATHER.


Noah was faithful to God, his family, and others. His faithfulness to God is what saved him from the flood. He wanted his family on board with him, and he also warned others of God’s impending judgment. 


Out of all the world’s population, Noah was available when God told him about the flood and when He gave him directions to prepare for it. Noah was available to any who wanted to hear about what he was doing and why. 

Jesus was continually available to others too, and, as His follower, I must represent His interests. 


Thoughtful involves the ideas of being helpful, trusting, considerate, and mindful of others. Noah must have thought of the thousands who were ignoring what he was telling them about the upcoming flood. He attended to detail when building the ark. Failing to do so could have resulted in their demise. 


Noah was solid and dependable. Fathers should be the foundational stone for the family. God holds them accountable for being the spiritual leaders. 


We all want to see results. Noah did. Animals came. The ark came together and withstood the flood. God preserved him and his family. Noah put his faith in practice and used effective fatherly methods. The foundation my father laid led me in the right direction.


Noah demonstrated his responsibility by obeying God, caring for his family, tending to the animals, and warning others about God’s judgment. A responsible father fulfills his obligations and duties in life. He cares for those he has been given responsibility for. 

God can give the strength needed to be a good father. 

Prayer: Father, transform us into the fathers and husbands You want us to be. 

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