I asked for a burger but received much more.
On one particular day, my wife and I stopped by a local burger joint to pick up our supper. The only thing special about our order is that our daughter’s BLT wasn’t supposed to have mayonnaise. As I enjoyed my burger, I noticed something protruding that was different in color than the green shredded lettuce. I pulled it out and discovered a piece of aluminum foil.
Not one to be grossed out by such things, I kept eating. Later, as our daughter sat down to eat her BLT, she remarked, “There is mayonnaise on my sandwich. I didn’t ask for that” With a typical sarcastic quip, I remarked, “That’s okay. I got more than I asked for as well.”
According to the verse, Jesus is in the business of giving more than we ask for…but there are sometimes stipulations involved. Regardless, the verse reminds me that God’s resources are unlimited. I can’t outgive God. Whatever I give, He can seize it, press it, mold it, shake it—and do whatever else He does, and produce more than I can imagine.
My lack of faith is the only limitation to what God can do. His actions are connected to my actions. If I have faith as small as a mustard seed, I can move mountains. Since I’ve never moved a mountain, I suppose what I might consider as large faith is really small in God’s sight.
Since God is more than willing to transform what I give, my paucity must be the result of several possibilities. Sometimes God doesn’t give because I don’t ask, because I ask with the wrong motives, or because I doubt God will give me what I ask for.
In spite of my failures when it comes to giving or asking from God, He often overlooks my lack of faith or my weak faith and gives me more than I request—just as the burger joint gave me aluminum foil when I only asked for lettuce. That’s because God is a good, loving, and kind heavenly Father. Parents often give children things they don’t deserve, and God does the same. Whatever He gives will be for my good and His glory.
Have you praised God lately for giving you more than you asked for?
Prayer: Father, we thank You for Your many gifts—none of which we actually deserve.
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