Wednesday, April 1, 2015

No Fool Here - Martin Wiles

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” Psalm 14:1 NKJV

Calling someone a fool may be scripturally dangerous, but God defines just what one is. 

A recent movie, God Is Not Dead, featured a college freshman who is welcomed to one class by a professor who instructs the students to write “God is dead” on a sheet of paper. Scientific developments have eliminated the need to believe in a Supreme Being. Admitting this would eliminate his need to even discuss the possibility of a Supreme Being. One student, however, challenged him and was allowed the opportunity to engage the professor in a debate…a debate he won when he asked the professor if he hated God. When the instructor admitted he did, the student queried, “How can you hate someone who doesn’t exist?” 

Believing in a Creator is not foolishness. Rather, foolishness believes everything in the natural realm just happened to appear in some primeval cesspool and evolve over billions of years into what we observe now. It appears obvious that the natural order bears the imprint of an Intelligent Designer who ordered the natural laws.

Nor is it foolish to acknowledge sin. Every day, the actions of people bear out what the Bible pronounces a sinful nature. Crime, greed, immorality, and dishonesty abound. Because of our condition, a Savior was needed, and God provided him in the person of Jesus—the sinless Son of God. On Calvary’s cross, he bore the sins of the world that we might be set free. Believing frees us from condemnation and returns us to God’s good graces.

Believing death is not the end also isn’t foolish. God has created eternity in the heart of humanity. Since the beginning of time, people groups have worshiped various forms of gods, proving they believed in someone or something higher than them. Christians believe this someone is the only true and living God who has prepared an eternal home for those who love and serve him with their entire being. Science hasn’t eliminated him; he still exists. 

The fool says there is no God. What are you saying?

Prayer: Thank You merciful God for providing the means for our salvation through the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus.


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  1. Oh my goodness! I love that image. This is the second post I've read on fool or fools in as many days. I'm starting to get a complex.

    Thank you so much for linking up with #ThursdayTheologyBlogs again this week! Have a blessed Easter!
