Saturday, March 28, 2015

God’s Adequacy, Our Inadequacy - Martin Wiles

Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and distributed them to the people. Afterward he did the same with the fish. And they all ate as much as they wanted. John 6:11 NLT

Inadequacy is never a problem when God is in control.

Adequacy is the state of having enough or being satisfied. For some this means being able to afford the latest play toys: cell phone, television, Xbox, IPod, gun, golf clubs, or sport’s paraphernalia. Others measure it by how many of life’s pleasures they are able to purchase and enjoy. Cars, boats, houses, vacation homes, jet skis, motorcycles. Yet, others have learned to find adequacy in life’s simple things. 

Five thousand plus people clamored around Jesus. Some wanted healing, some were simply curious, and some loved his teachings. As darkness threatened, food became a concern. Searching the crowd, the disciples could find only a young lad with five loaves of bread and two small fish. Sitting the crowd down in groups, Jesus used what appeared inadequate and made it adequate by multiplying the elements and feeding the entire multitude. 

My inadequacy may seem enormous, but God can take my little and make it adequate for any task he assigns. He dispenses gifts and talents to his children, but without depending on his adequacy I’m inadequate to use them properly or to their fullest extent. God’s Spirit residing in me is my Source of adequacy for all life’s challenges.  

Thinking I’m more adequate than I am leads to pride, a characteristic repeatedly rebuked in God’s Word. A more honorable quality is humility which is praised on numerous occasions in the same place. Humility admits my inadequacy while pride will lead me to think I’m adequate without God’s assistance. As Jesus challenged the disciples’ faith level by telling them to feed five thousand plus hungry people with the meager meal from the small boy, so admitting my inadequacy allows God to challenge, strengthen, and grow my faith as well. 

When I recognize God is my adequacy, the impossible becomes possible. 

Prayer: Thank You father that Your grace and strength are adequate for any situation we face and for any duty You disperse.
(Photo courtesy of morguefile and wenx.)


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