Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Restless Resting - Martin Wiles

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Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 NLT

Restless and resting are not mutually exclusive.

I can’t remember the last time I or my wife slept through the night. Whether I keep her awake or she does me, we haven’t figured out. If I sleep on my back, I snore. Occasionally she will punch me and tell me to turn over. Her restlessness is more severe. Suffering from herniated disks in her neck and back, a torn rotary cuff, and degenerative arthritis makes it almost impossible for her to get comfortable and sleep for any length of time. I’m sure her tossing and turning affects my sleep patterns. Regardless of our restlessness, however, we choose to remain in bed together and rest in each other’s arms. 

Jesus spoke to those who carried burdens of various sorts: spiritual, physical, emotional, financial, and social. I’ve carried some of the same burdens, and they’ve made me restless as well. I’ve worried over bills I couldn’t pay, illnesses I couldn’t cure, sins I couldn’t undo, depression I couldn’t conquer, and looks I couldn’t fix. But when I gave them to Jesus, my perspective changed. 

The rest Jesus offers is of a different variety than resting my physical body. Physical and eternal rest are both enticing, but resting in my spirit is essential as well. This type of rest doesn’t require my body to be inactive. I can continue my daily activities, yet with a different perspective. Even though my body and mind may be in motion, my spirit is still because I know God is in control. He grants me the spiritual energy I need to face daily affairs and circumstances while at the same time resting in him. Experiencing this rest enables me to see things from his perspective rather than my limited one. 

Jesus’ rest assures me all is well with my soul. All my sins have been forgiven, and I have the energizing presence of God’s Spirit to guide me through each day. Are you finding rest in God?

Prayer: God of grace and mercy, when the weariness of life wears us down with all its worries and cares, may we find our rest in You. 


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