Every morning as I arrive at school, I walk into my room, set down my computer bag, and plop in my chair. When each class arrives, I take my position on a stool behind the teacher’s podium and begin instruction. During the hour, it’s not uncommon for me to get up and walk to the white board and then return to my stool. I may even go back to my desk chair several times during each class. I depend on these chairs to do their job. You might say they’re my crutches.
But suppose I was a blind man and couldn’t see these chairs? With assistance, I could still find them. They would serve the same purpose and be just as dependable as when visible. My spiritual journey is similar. For we walk by faith, not by sight. (II Corinthians 5:7 NKJV)
My journey with God is built on faith not sight. With the exception of long distance email relationships, all my interactions are with people I can actually see, touch, hear, feel…and sometimes smell. Even my email-only contacts can send me a picture so I’ll know they’re real people. With God, it’s faith only. No sight permitted. Yet this doesn’t mean my relationship with him is a crutch.
After creating the first human, God said it wasn’t good for him to be alone. He created a cohort for Adam. Of all the companions I can have—and of all the relationships I can enter, the one with God is most important. If a crutch is defined as something I depend on to get me through and over life’s valleys and mountains, then yes God is my crutch. But the overtone shouldn’t be negative. It’s not that I can’t handle life without falling apart; it’s that I choose to let God help me deal with it. After all, he’s my creator and knows the beginning from the end of my life. For me, the only sensible thing to do is to depend on the One who is stronger and more intelligent than I.
Faith in God is the best crutch you’ll ever use.
Prayer: Remind us, dear Father, that there’s no shame in letting You be our crutch.
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