I reluctantly confess: I’ve committed similar mistakes as these two students. And unfortunately, I’ve often responded in like fashion. Human nature chafes against the simple but difficult procedure of saying, “I’m sorry.” The better way? Let there be tears for what you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. (James 4:9 NLT) Rather than accept the challenge James suggests, I often resort to other methods to escape my responsibility. Psychologists refer to them as defense mechanisms. Methods I use in place of saying “I’m sorry,” or “I was wrong.”
I often avoid responsibility and guilt by using projection. This allows me to transfer to others the problem that actually belongs to me. Whatever my sin or fault, I see others as having it instead of admitting I do.
Rationalization and justification also make it difficult for me to say “I’m sorry.” When life gets tough, it’s easy to justify poor decisions or sinful activities. Once justified, I can rationalize them away by convincing myself that God will overlook them because of the tough spot I’m in.
The healthier response is simply to express sorrow for what I’ve done or said. When I make this step, God will renew my joy, give me new direction, and often restore relationships that have been damaged.
Is sorry a difficult word for you to say?
Prayer: Lord and Savior, give us courage to repent and say “I’m sorry” when we’ve sinned against You or others.

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