Recently, I watched as an emotionally disturbed mother drove her van full of children into the ocean in an attempt to end her life and theirs. Fortunately, rescuers converged upon the scene and successfully salvaged them. One child rested on his mother’s lap desperately attempting to steer the vehicle to safety. The others screamed that their mother was trying to kill them. Though the rescuers didn’t know the mother or children, their love wouldn’t allow them to leave them in this desperate situation.
God loves us where we are, but when we’re not where we should be he loves us too much to let us remain there. The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. (Psalm 32:8 NLT)
God loves me so much that he’ll discipline me when I go astray. No parent is perfect with their disciplinary measures, but God is. He knows exactly what it will take to return me to the straight and narrow.
God also loves so desperately that he sent his Spirit as my continual guide. Listening to his still small voice keeps me on track and sets up a scenario wherein I can enjoy his best. God didn’t create me out of boredom. His plans for me are good and enjoyable.
The desperate love of God motivates him to mold me into Christ’s image. He invests time in me and wants to be engaged in my life’s details. Through blessings, trials, suffering, and mistakes—and even through Satan’s temptations, he forms my life to look more like his Son’s.
What’s more, God loves me so desperately that he’ll give the strength for any difficult journeys I encounter. Never will he leave me to travel them alone.
Are you experiencing and enjoying the desperate love of God?
Prayer: Thank You merciful God for taking the time to invest in us despite our numerous foibles and mistakes.

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