My wife’s list of medical ailments should convince any judge she’s eligible for disability. So what’s the hold up? Probably her age. She’s under 50. She’s been turned down three times. We filed for an appeal, and it was granted. Presently we’ve been waiting six months to get a court date. Her not being able to work seriously affects our financial situation, but what can we do? Wait…but not anxiously.
Elijah was no doubt a little nervous as he awaited an answer from the God he proclaimed to the pagan prophets was real. Immediately the fire of the LORD flashed down from heaven and burned up the young bull, the wood, the stones, and the dust. (I Kings 18:38 NLT)
Waiting has never been one of my strong points. I’ve not always been able to get what I wanted when I wanted it or even at all, but the impatience is still there. This anxiousness often carries over into my walk with God. When is he going to answer? How long is it going to take for him to intervene? Will he give me the wisdom I need? But I’ve learned I don’t have to beg God to answer. Elijah didn’t either.
Why does God make me wait? Patience is one reason. Delayed gratification grows this virtue. God may also have a better plan than I do, but it involves waiting for it to materialize. Or perhaps things must happen or be put in order…things I’m not aware of…things only God sees. Timing is important in God’s plan, and timing normally involves waiting as well.
God may often ask you to wait, but you don’t have to wait anxiously. Simply rest in Him.
Prayer: Merciful God, give us patience instead of anxiety when You ask us to wait for Your best.

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