When our previous landlord made the offer, we almost accepted without thinking. It seemed a no-brainer…especially since we were currently renting for $675. A savings of $225 each month.
The proffered home, however, was eight miles away from work, and currently I was only two. This would mean a higher fuel bill. To top things off, my wife would have to quit keeping her afterschool child. And the house was larger than our present one, which would mean higher utility bills.
Major decisions should be prefaced by weighing the pros and cons, and when we finished crunching the numbers on this one we discovered we’d actually be going in the hole rather than saving. Not with the decision to follow Christ though. So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority (Colossian 2:10 NLT).
Choosing to accept Christ into my life shouldn’t involve weighing the advantages, but there are many. He loves…so much so that he sent his Son to pay my sin debt. An amazing act of mercy.
Having Christ as Savior also entails forgiveness of all my sins. To use Biblical metaphors, they are cast into the depths of the sea and scattered as far as the east is from the west. Because of the forgiveness, God now accepts me into his family. I inherit all the rights of a child even though I don’t deserve any.
Additionally, my identification with Christ gives me value. I was worth him dying for, and now he’s worth me living for. Others may demean me and discredit my value, but in Christ I’m priceless.
Are you enjoying the advantages of being in Christ? If not, he’s just a prayer away.
Prayer: Thank You Father God for making us joint heirs with Christ. Your love and acceptance is eternally amazing.
WOW, it sure does pay to do some research! Great Post! You are a neighbor at Hear it on Sunday use it on Monday
ReplyDeleteI don't think we can count all the advantages in deciding to live for Christ. No numbers to crunch!